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Being involved in internet marketing, you are well aware that inbound marketing is just as essential as opening the front door of your business. It’s the first step that allows leads to get to your business. But, unfortunately accomplishing/magento-development/internet-marketing/social-media/ this is not as easy as a physical location with people walking by. No, with a  website you not only have to open your door (index your site) you have to open doors where the traffic is.

This is where inbound marketing techniques associated with social media come to play!

Don’t be mistaken social media isn’t solely an avenue for you to post all your products and shout about how great you are. Instead it is becoming increasingly influential in consumption behaviors. It’s becoming a new avenue for customer service. People are tweeting for customer help, and responses have been speedy and saved business relationships.

With the growth of social media, the skeptics were hesitant to get on board and dedicate time to managing their social media avenues. It has undoubtedly become an influential factor in business. Now arise the big questions, how can we leverage this factor for greater business? 


5 Tempting eBusiness Statistics of 2012 & What to do!

1. LinkedIn for B2B Leads

LinkedIn eBusiness Statistic 2012


According to Social Media B2B, LinkedIn generated the most B2B leads for any company. When businesses were asked if they were actively using LinkedIn as a social media medium only 45% of businesses said they actively used LinkedIn.

If you are a B2B company, and not actively using LinkedIn you could be missing out on business opportunities. The first step is to create a business page on LinkedIn. Let your existing employees know you have created a business LinkedIn profile, so that they can connect and more users can find you.

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2. CEO’s Get Involved!

Social Media Development Boulder Statistics

According to an article by eMarketer it is important to consumers that CEO’s are involved in their social media communication. Seventy-seven percent of consumers say they will be more likely to buy from a company if the CEO or upper level management is involved in their social media communication. Almost 95% of people said that they view the brand as more trustworthy and overall increase brand image when management is involved in social media.

We know that CEO’s are busy and their list of to-do’s seems like an endless pad of paper. If the head management is unable to directly facilitate social media channels, then always post on their behalf.



3. Lower Barriers of Involvement

Account Login Requirement statisticsWe know you are trying to collect information to keep involved with your customer base or viewers, but beware that collecting information as a requirement can be a huge barrier to entry and decrease your user involvement. According to Marketing Sherpa 86% of people say they are irritated when the website requires them to make a new account.

As a business you have two options, understanding that asking a user to sign up for your site to view it is asking a bit much. Why don’t you just marry me now and then I will talk to you later? This makes no sense.

Option 1: Take your barrier to entry out and write engaging content that brings users back because of genuine interest. Eventually they will give their information and sign up for your newsletter.

Option 2: Provide options for the user. Don’t give them one option, for example don’t make them sign in only through your services. Provide them with Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and other third party sign-in options.


4. Write Blogs & Share

Blog Development BoulderIt is argued that blogs are the single most important inbound marketing tool. Why? Because (according to Mindjumpers) blogs and social media reach about eighty percent of all internet users in the United States. There is a high correlation between blogging frequency and the number of customers acquired. According to Hubspot 92% of blogs that posted multiple times a day acquired more customers.

Blogging is an important tool for your inbound marketing strategy. Don’t doubt the power of a good blog with useful information. A statistic which should get the ball rolling on your blogging is that B2B companies with blogs generate close to 70% more leads than companies with no blog.

If your website needs to integrate a blog, call Customer Paradigm at 303.473.4400 to speak with a real person about how we can create a blog and generate more inbound leads. Remember, develop strong, useful topics, write clearly and spread the news.


5. Accessible on a Mobile Platform

Mobile Website Design BoulderE-mails and websites are increasing in viewership through a mobile device. 4.8 billion people own phones, and on average 50% of B2B sites are being viewed through a mobile device. The strange statistic is that 75% of all marketers are aware of the increase in viewership through a mobile device but only about 20% of marketers find it a critical move to develop a mobile platform.

I like to be ahead of the curve, not reacting to the change because it becomes a critical function for business to continue to survive. If your B2B company sees a trend for an increase in mobile device visits bring up a mobile website as a critical issue. Trust me, your business will be thanking you for pressing the development.

If your business is in need of a mobile platform development, call Customer Paradigm now at 303.473.4400 to talk to a real person. We listen to your business goals and help you market yourself to accomplish your business goals while meeting the consumers needs.


I hope you found these 5 statistics of 2012 interesting, and provided you with some great ideas to branch your business out and grow with the changes of technology and consumer behavior trends. Please follow us on Twitter @custparadigm to keep up with more trends ad updates.

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Customer Paradigm
LinkedIn eBusiness Statistic 2012
Social Media Development Boulder Statistics
Account Login Requirement statistics
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