May 26, 2015 | Blog, Magento
If you’re en eCommerce site, please know the payment gateway is DOWN right now, and not accepting payments. If you’re running an eCommerce site like Magento and use for payments, and the payment is failing / people are not able...
May 11, 2015 | Blog, Technical Articles by Customer Paradigm
Over the weekend (May 9, 2015) , a couple of cron functions stopped working for a client that is hosted on Godaddy. For whatever reason, the site’s path to execute the cron was not working. And even the Godaddy hosting system that allows you to create a cron...
Mar 30, 2015 | Blog, Digital Marketing, Social Media
You might have noticed that the end of your website’s URLs have .php or .html at the end of it whereas others do not. Should you remove yours? URL rewriting doesn’t actually remove the index.php but instead hides it. While your website won’t suffer leaving them on,...