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Detailed Error Exceptions in Magento Ecommerce

By default the Magento exception printing leaves out a significant part of every exception.

Alan Barber on our team repurposed some code to make error handling work more easily in Magento:

By modifying app/Mage.php , you can create a more detailed error report. This is very useful in discovering SQL errors, as the detailed exception will print the full query.

To implement this, navigate to {magento_root}/app/Mage.php

public static function printException

with the following code.

public static function printException(Exception $e, $extra = ”)
if (self::$_isDeveloperMode) {
print ‘<pre>’;

if (!empty($extra)) {
print $extra . “nn”;

print $e->getMessage() . “nn”;
print ‘</pre>’;
else {
self::getConfig()->createDirIfNotExists(self::getBaseDir(‘var’) . DS . ‘report’);
$reportId = intval(microtime(true) * rand(100, 1000));
$reportFile = self::getBaseDir(‘var’) . DS . ‘report’ . DS . $reportId;
$reportData = array(
!empty($extra) ? $extra . “nn” : ” . $e->getMessage(),
$reportData = serialize($reportData);

file_put_contents($reportFile, $reportData);
chmod($reportFile, 0777);

$storeCode = ‘default’;
try {
$storeCode = self::app()->getStore()->getCode();
catch (Exception $e) {}

$baseUrl = rtrim(str_replace(”, ‘/’, dirname($_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_NAME’])), ‘/’);
$reportUrl = $baseUrl . ‘/report/?id=’
. $reportId . ‘&s=’ . $storeCode;

if (!headers_sent()) {
header(‘Location: ‘ . $reportUrl);
else {
print ‘<script type=”text/javascript”>’;
print “window.location.href = ‘{$reportUrl}’;”;
print ‘</script>’;


public static function detailedExceptionDump(Exception $e, $mode=’html’) {
$exceptionDumpHeader = “nnDETAILED EXCEPTION DUMPnn”;
$exceptionDumpHeader .= “Class: ” . get_class($e) . “nn”;
$exceptionDumpHeader .= “Message: ” . $e->getMessage();
$vObject=new Varien_Object;
foreach ($e->getTrace() as $n => $t) {
//recursive magento debug function, recursion killer
$dump = ob_get_clean();
$dump = ‘ob_start() failed in ‘ . __METHOD__;
$dump = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($dump));
$exceptionDump .= “nn————n#$nn$dumpn”;
self::log(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($exceptionDump)), null, $file);
if($length > 1000000){
$exceptionDump = $exceptionDumpHeader . “nnOVERSIZE EXCEPTION: $lengthnnHas been logged to $file nn” . $e->getTraceAsString();
return $exceptionDump;

And you’re done! Next time you get an exception, it should be the detailed version.
This class will also print exceptions to a detailed_exception.log file in


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