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We’re happy to sponsor this upcoming event in Boulder:

Eddie Dombrower is a video game designer, programmer and producer who has created products for Atari, Mattel, Electronic Arts, Activision and Children’s Television Workshop. A one-time ballet dancer, he designed the first dance notation computer software, DOM, and pioneered how to make virtual sports “feel” real in Earl Weaver Baseball, which he co-created. In 1993, Dombrower served as producer on Return to Zork, the first graphical version of the Zork games.

He then served as head of the Interactive Division for Jim Henson Productions and led the creative efforts behind Muppet CD ROMs and the very first Henson.com web site. After Henson, he oversaw the E*TRADE web site and ran E*TRADE’s Digital Financial Network of streaming audio and video financial news and information.

Most recently, Dombrower was Senior VP of new brands at Match.com, where he created Chemistry.com. Eddie has taught Interactive writing and design courses at UCLA and CU and is the author of The Art of Interactive Game Design. Currently he is president of GDC Media in Boulder which is planning to launch an interactive social networking website for tweens this fall.

Program Sponsors:
Customer Paradigm
The Jared Polis Foundation

Wednesday, September 246 pm Dolan’s Restaurant2319 Arapahoe Ave.$38 for dinner and talk
RSVP by September 22 to Kathryn@boulderjcc.org, 303-998-1021

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