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FYI, we do quite a bit of personalization / tracking when it comes to the Web.

But usually it’s based on a cookie from a previous site visit or purchase, or a link that someone clicks in an email.

Here’s a crazy new piece of technology straight out of the Minority Report movie, that tells a store owner when a big celebrity walks in, based on facial recognition software.

I think it’s the start of a slippery slide into an era when this type of tracking will let a store owner know your name, where you live, what your spouse’s name is, what you’ve recently posted on Facebook, what you’ve purchased in the past, etc.

Could be pretty cool if used well. But has that “stalker” feel to it, too.

Facial Recognition Alerts Stores When A Celeb Walks In

Facial Recognition Software When Celebrities Walk Into Store

Facial Recognition Software When Celebrities Walk Into Store

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Facial Recognition Software When Celebrities Walk Into Store
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