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Customer Paradigm

Watchdog Magento Extension

A long, long time ago, I worked as a professional dog trainer for search and rescue. It was an amazing job, and one that taught me lessons that I still use today.

As you probably know, dogs can hear and smell things that humans can’t, and detect trouble before we can perceive them. That’s why I’ve named our latest Magento extension, Watchdog, version 3.1. More information is here >>

And until the end of the year, we’re giving the extension away for free (we’ll start charging for it in January).

What Does Watchdog Do?

What does it do? Simply put, our Magento extension, Watchdog 3.1, helps keeps an eye on your store.

It does two main things:

  • Daily Email Summary Reporting, for sales summaries, abandoned cart reports, coupon usage and more.
  • Trigger-based Email Reporting, for important events as they happen, including surges of orders, lack of orders, or Magento error tracking.

Why Did We Build This?

Magento does a lot of things really well. But Magento was built with the assumption that the store owner would be logged into the Magento admin each day, and reviewing each order.

It’s also built with an accounting system bias. So if orders are placed, but not “processed” they don’t count on that day’s sales. The same issue is true for wholesale orders, placed via invoice. Those orders won’t count for today’s sales until they are processed.

So, it’s really hard to know exactly how much business a site did during the previous day, or by noon or 5:00 pm.

What our customers really wanted to know was, “How much did we do in sales yesterday?”

Or, what are our sales like so far today? Send me a summary email at noon and 5:00 pm.

What we found was that many people were spending 1/2 hour – 1 hour per day manually compiling these numbers – nearly 3.5 weeks of time on an annual basis.

We built an automated reporting module that allows you to access this information, via an email that’s sent out each day. It can be sent out every hour, or just at the end of the day.

Plus, the triggers can help you react to a surge of orders, a lack of orders, or understand Magento errors on your site.

The key to a successful Website is passion. Passion for your products and services, and great content and information that describes why they are the best. Key to eCommerce success is watching the numbers, too. And Watchdog helps make this happen.

Magento Daily Sales Summary Email

Summary Email Features:

Included in the summary email are:

  • Sales Information, including:
    • Today’s Sales
    • Total Refunded or Cancelled
    • Average Order Site
    • # of orders
    • Last 7 days of sales
    • This month’s sales
    • This year’s sale
    • Lifetime sales
  • Order Breakdown Report, including:
    • Order #
    • Order Date
    • Customer name and email
    • Order amount
    • Order status.
  • Bestsellers Report, including:
    • Bestselling SKUs
    • Quantity ordered
    • Price
    • Total amount
    • Average price.
  • Abandoned Cart Report, including:
    • Total Abandoned Carts today
    • Total value of the abandoned cart.
    • Customer name, email, time last updated and value of each abandoned cart
  • Coupons Used Report, including:
    • How many total coupons were used today, total discount amount.
    • Breakdown of each coupon code used, coupon type, # of uses and total discount amount.
  • Customer Report, including:
    • New customers today
    • Total Customers (all time)
    • Active customers today
    • Active customers in the last 7 days, month and year

Trigger Emails:

Second, the system will send out “trigger” emails, if specific events happen on the site:

  • For example, if you don’t receive any orders from your site in a 12 hours time period (this might be unusual), the system can alert you.
  • Or, if you receive 50 orders in a 30 minute time period, you might want to pay extra attention to the site to make sure that the system is able to handle all of the traffic.
  • Or, if there are errors on the site, the system can send Magento error reports over to you via email.

Trigger Emails


Let me know if you’d like us to install this for you…


Jeff FinkelsteinFounder, Customer Paradigm
Jeff Finkelstein
Founder, Customer Paradigm



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Customer Paradigm
Introducing Watchdog 3.1, Daily Sales Summary & Trigger Email Reports for Magento
Customer Paradigm
Watchdog Magento Extension
Magento Daily Sales Summary Email
Trigger Emails
Jeff FinkelsteinFounder, Customer Paradigm
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