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Can you believe we are already one month into 2018? January has been a blast – we’ve been excited to hit the ground running this year with even more amazing eCommerce solutions for our clients. And – it looks like we aren’t the only ones! From the focus shifting almost entirely to Magento 2 implementations across the Magento-sphere, new and exciting social commerce trends, to PWAs (progressive web apps) it’s looking like 2018 has some amazing things on the horizon.

Here is what you need to know from January 2018…



Digital Marketing


That’s it for January! Tune into next month’s roundup of all things Magento, eCommerce, digital marketing and more. Want to know what we are digging on the daily? Follow us on TwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn to keep up!

Want to talk about getting started with Magento development or digital marketing services for your eCommerce store? Connect with a member of our strategy team today via our live chat, our simple contact form or call and start reaching your eCommerce goals.

About Kelly Mason

Kelly is a Marketing Assistant at Customer Paradigm. She loves creating engaging and educational content and connecting with the community through social media. Outside of the office, she can be found eating her way through Colorado one brunch at a time and hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park.


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Get Caught Up – January 2018 Magento, eCommerce and Marketing News
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