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On September 1st 2017 USPS changed their API naming conventions for their First Class shipping methods from “First-Class Mail Parcel” to “First-Class Package Service”.

This change in naming convention causes the first class shipping options to no longer appear on the checkout shipping methods area for both Magento 1.X and 2.X merchants.

Magento is releasing SUPEE-10266 along with new version update 09.14.17 to account for this fix. In the meantime, here is a quick and easy fix to allow the First Class USPS shipping methods to appear as an option on your checkout.


Step 1:


Create a copy of the file that can be found in the following path:


Place copy here:



Step 2:


Edit line 703 From:

‘First-Class Mail Parcel’ => ‘0_FCP’

Change to:

‘First-Class Package Service – Retail’ => ‘0_FCP’,


Step 3:


Edit line 542 From:

\’0_FCP’ => Mage::helper(‘usa’)->__(‘First-Class Mail Parcel’),

Change to:

‘0_FCP’ => Mage::helper(‘usa’)->__(‘First-Class Package Service – Retail’),


Closing Thoughts

This fix should bring back your USPS First Class options to your check out with just a few simple steps. Are you having this problem on your Magento store and need help implementing the fix or upcoming SUPEE-10266 patch? Connect with us today and our Certified Magento developers will get your shipping options fixed in no time!

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