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Gillian on our team put together a few quick tips for managing a Magento store.

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Managing Products: Go to Catalog – Manage Products and click on the product you would like to update. You can also update a bunch of products all at once by checking them off, going to Actions selecting Update Attributes, and hitting the submit button.

Removing drop down menus on product pages: Go to the product you would like to edit in Catalog, Manage Products. In the product Information page go to Custom Options on the right, and click Delete Option on the menu you want to remove.

Adding Retail or Dealers Customers: Go to Customers, Manage Customers. Click Add New Customer. Change Associated to Website – Main Website, enter the customers first, last, and email. Select the Group you want the customer to be a part of either Retail or Dealers. At the bottom you can check off on the Send auto-generated password. Hit Save Customer and your customer will be saved and sent an email with all of their login information.

Adding a Retail or Dealers discount: Go to Promotions, Catalog Price Rules. You can either edit an old rule by clicking it or add a new rule. Once in select the correct Customer Group you want the discount to be applied for. Under Actions on the right you can enter the amount of the discount you want to be taken off the retail price (ex Apply – To Percentage of the Original Price, and Discount Amount – 25.00 for 25% off all products when someone is logged in as that Customer Group).

Adding a promotional discount for emails, etc: Go to Promotions, Shopping Cart Price Rules. Click Add New Rule. Make sure you select Specific Coupon for the Coupon drop down menu, if you want your customers to use a coupon code (Ex. FATHER). • Under Conditions you can set up the specific conditions that make this coupon code available to use by clicking the Underlined words or + button (ex press + select Subtotal, click is and change to Greater Than, and enter the amount 100. This will make it so that only people who have more than $100 in their subtotal at checkout can actually use this coupon). • Under Actions you can set up the discount amount. (ex. Apply – Percent of product price discount, and Discount Amount – 25.00. This will give your customers 25% off their order when they use the coupon code at checkout).

Editing content not found on Product Pages:Go to CMS and either Pages or Static Blocks. Find the page you want to edit (can be identified by the URL key) and click on it. Now you use the editor (under Content in CMS Pages) to change the content on that particular page. You can add an image by clicking on the little picture of a tree and uploading the image.

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