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Magento Ecommerce Results 2012

Provided by flippa.com

Growth of eCommerce

Flippa.com has provided an awesome info-graphic displaying the factors which have affected our eCommerce worlds. With the power of the internet, businesses have shifted from the large factories of work, to the ability to sit at home and be the owner of your own business online. That’s incredible!

The info-graphic to the left has been a random sampling of $26 million dollars worth of transactions over the last eighteen months. If you are an eCommerce start up you should pay attention to these trends and invest in the right direction.

2012 eCommerce Platform Demand & Supply

In 2012 the highest demanded platform is Shopify with 39.8%, with Magento coming in second with a demand of 18.3%, and finally Open Cart with a demand of 13.4%. In 2012, the supply was met by Magento platforms taking over 30.3% of supply, with Open Cart following at 11.8% of supply and finally Shopify at 5.3%.

Why would Magento be the majority of supply over Shopify? 

It’s really simple when you break it down why the demand doesn’t correlate directly with the supply. The first factor is brand awareness, new eCommerce buyers recognize Shopify whereas they are less knowledgeable about the other eCommerce platforms. The obvious reason that Magento provides the majority of supply is the ability for unlimited customization on this platform. Magento is a PHP / MySQL based framework, where Shopify is a SAAS solution. SAAS solution basically means that the core functionality of your website can not be modified.

It is clear that Magento is for the advanced eCommerce needs, if you wanted to add coupon codes to your products then Magento would be the platform for you. If you were selling extra characters for Angry Birds, then Shopify would be great for you. It is very important to match the eCommerce needs with the right platform.


2012 Content Management System Demand & Supply

A content management system (CMS) runs with your eCommerce platform to provide a blog for your website. This may not seem relevant to you as an eCommerce owner, but it is extremely relevant to the success of your website. Some eCommerce sites are run completed on a CMS using plug-ins or modules that are added for an online store capability.

Due to the Google Penguin update, which is an algorithm change that dictates your Search Engine Ranking Positioning (SERP). This directly affects the traffic to your website, so changes to the Google Algorithm are constantly on our SEO radar. Long story short, CMS and eCommerce websites go hand in hand.

In 2012 WordPress stole the majority demand at 82.9% and won the supply at an astounding 88.5%. The second most demanded CMS is Joomla at 4.6% and providing a supply of 3.1%.

Why is WordPress the Clear Winner?

WordPress is the clear winner because it brings simplicity, functionality, and flexibility for your website. And it’s FREE!

If you have any questions, or are interested in a WordPress website, call us at Customer Paradigm Now at 303.473.4400 to find out more information about how we can make your website a reality.


Custom Built Languages Demand & Supply

Very rarely do you get a website and it works exactly how you need it to function. This is where custom languages come into play in modifying your website. Some languages are: PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Ruby. In 2012 the highest demanded custom language is PHP at 46%, followed my HTML with a demand of 24%. In 2012 the supply was met by 61% PHP and following behind 21% HTML.

Customizing your website to work with functioning that you need in order to succeed can be the difference in your conversion percentage. For example, if you need to format your pages so that users are able to view products faster, that’s where PHP customization would come in handy. At Customer Paradigm it is all about the efficiency of your website to be found for the right searches, direct the customers to the right products, and check out with ease.


If you are needing help on your eCommerce website, Customer Paradigm is a Magento certified business. We work to develop clean, efficient and profitable websites for your business. If you would like more information on how we can make your business goals happen call us at 303.473.4400 and we would love to hear the vision you have for your business and how we can work together to make it happen.


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Magento Ecommerce Results 2012
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