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January 2, 2009 (Boulder, Colorado): Two of the largest synagogues in Boulder, Colorado – Congregations Bonai Shalom and Har HaShem were defaced on Saturday, January 2, 2009, in an anti-Semitic attack by a hacker claiming to be Waja (Adi Noor). The Boulder Rabbinic Council’s website was also attacked.

A note left by the hacker on Congregation Bonai Shalom’s website claimed, “Bonai Shalom is affiliated with the Jews are terrorists Organization.”

All of the affected websites were quickly restored by Jeff Finkelstein, founder of Boulder-based Customer Paradigm.

Finkelstein, who is also the husband of Rabbi Jamie Korngold, was searching through server logs to try to identify the attacker, and has since put additional security measures in place for the site. Law enforcement officials are in the process of being notified. Rabbi Korngold’s website, www.AdventureRabbi.org, was not defaced in the attack.

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