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This morning one of our Magento customers pointed out that when you go to share or like a product from their site you end up with HTML code showing in the description. See the bellow example:

Magento Displaying HTML for Facebook

Obviously most people who are interested in sharing or liking your products will not want to share once they see that! So we investigated and discovered that none of the meta descriptions had been set up for those products. In Magento you can add a meta description by going to Catalog -> Manage Products -> Product -> Meta Information.

Then just copy over your description as plain text without any HTML and place it into the meta description. Now your products can be shared without any funky code showing up.

Magento Programming for Facebook

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Why does Facebook show HTML code when I share or like a product in my Magento Store?
Magento Displaying HTML for Facebook
Magento Programming for Facebook
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